How to build a better career during COVID-19 and beyond: Part 3
The industrial revolution took place over a period of about 120 years. The automated revolution we're about to step into will happen with the snap of a finger. ~ Nick Bolton
Long before COVID-19 changed the working world, there were fears that robots would take our jobs. Add to that the pandemic’s impact on the workplace and it’s clear that we’re in for massive change.
Advances in artificial intelligence have been so rapid that machines will eventually be better than people at most activities and will be the “default choice” for performing them. A few highly paid humans will still be employed, but the rest will either struggle to find work or fall into the “precariat”, stuck in jobs that are not just poorly paid but unstable and stressful. ~ The Economist
So, if you’re tired of working hard at something that doesn't matter (or else could be irrelevant in the future) now might be a good time to change careers.
If we don’t have a deeper reason, work becomes meaningless drudgery. We can put up with it for years, but it won’t feel like a meaningful way to spend our lives. It won’t feel inspired. ~ Leo Babauta
Indeed, if you’re feeling stuck in a role with bias or bullying, you should probably get a fresh start.
Find work you enjoy doing that doesn’t eat you until you’re spent each day. Driving your tank to empty means that it takes a lot longer to refill. ~ Trent Hamm
To figure out what your ideal career might be, spend time learning from a variety of sources. You should also stay open to a variety of roles, even if it means taking a step backward (and going through the gruelling process of finding a new job) to put you on the right path.
If you can find a job that eliminates many of the extra time and money expenses without reducing your actual income very much, you’ll have a lot more money staying in your pocket with a lot more free time and less stress in your life. ~ Trent Hamm
At the same time, you shouldn’t try to specialise too early in your career. Instead, it’s good to stay open to roles that build on what you’ve done and could lead to something you didn’t expect.
All of the problems of habits start to go away when we drop expectations. We can start to appreciate doing the habit, in this moment, instead of being so concerned with how it will turn out in the future. ~ Leo Babauta
Despite the recent progress on vaccine trials, the coronavirus pandemic will be with us for a long time so you’ll have to keep going even when you feel like giving up. As long as you know what you’re working toward, your ambition can fuel your growth.
Find a job that’s going to make you happy in the long term. But for today? Do what challenges you. Do what pushes you. Do what makes you better. ~ Trent Hamm